Flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol among other names, is a benzodiazepine used in some countries to treat severe insomnia and assist with anesthesia. As with other hypnotics, flunitrazepam has been advised to be prescribed only on a short-term basis or by those with chronic insomnia on an occasional basis. WERE TO BUY ROHYPNOL

Generic name: flunitrazepam
Brand Names: Rohypnol, others; not available legally in U.S. but is available in other countries.
Common or street names: date rape drug, forget me drug, roches, roofies, ruffles; other names include Circles, Forget Pill, Forget-Me-Pill, La Rocha, Lunch Money Drug, Mexican Valium, Pingus, R2, Reynolds, Roach, Roach 2, Roaches, Roachies, Roapies, Robutal, Rochas Dos, Rohypnol, Roofies, Rophies, Ropies, Roples, Row-Shay, Ruffies, Wolfies.

Why is Rohypnol Called the Date Rape Drug?

Amnesia is an expected pharmacologic effect of benzodiazepines. Rohypnol causes partial amnesia; individuals are unable to remember certain events that they experience while under the influence of the drug. However, this effect is particularly dangerous when Rohypnol is used illicitly to aid in sexual assault. Victims may not be able to clearly recall the assault, the assailant, or the events surrounding the assault. WERE TO BUY ROHYPNOL

Can Rophypnol Be Detected in a Urine Drug Test?

If Rohypnol exposure is to be detected, urine samples need to be collected within 72 hours of consumption and subjected to sensitive analytical tests. Very often, biological samples are taken from the victim at a time when the effects of the drug have already passed and only residual amounts remain in the body fluids. These residual amounts are difficult, if not impossible, to detect using standard screening assays available in the United States. Due to this, it is difficult to estimate the number of Rohypnol-facilitated rapes in the United States.

Street Names

Circles, Forget Me Pill, La Rocha, Lunch Money Drug, Mexican Valium, Pingus, R2, Roach 2, Ruffies, Rophies, Wolfies

How is it used?

  • Oblong olive green tablet, swallowed, crushed and snorted
  • Can be dissolved in liquids
  • When placed in a light-colored drink, will dye it blue

How does it affect the body?

  • Muscle relaxant, decreased anxiety
  • Drowsiness, amnesia, sleep
  • Slurred speech, loss of coordination
  • Impaired mental function, confusion
  • Addictive

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